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Service maintenance of hydraulic filters

Model: 111
Service maintenance of hydraulic ventilation filters in Kyiv and the Kyiv region.What exactly we do?initial inspection and diagnostics of the equipment;cleaning and thorough washing of all components and parts;bringing the hydraulic filter to working..
5 000.00грн.
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Service maintenance of hydraulic filters

During the operation of the hydrofilter, it is necessary to turn on the sink every day so that the filtered soot and soot are washed into the sewer. This is if you use a water filter not made by us, or you have a very powerful production where the ovens burn both day and night.

If you have a restaurant or other catering establishment and a water filter made by us, it is enough to turn on the sink once per week, or once every few days - depending on the intensity with which the kitchen works.

Once a month, the hydraulic filter should be serviced, which includes a diagnostic inspection and a complex wash.

Or once every two months - for hydrofilters of our production.